Our services


LB real estate is aimed at those who have the following objectives:


  • renting a property;



  • sell a property;


The type of property can be residential (an apartment or a villa), commercial (an office or a shop), industrial (a shed or a warehouse).


We operate in the Milan, Monza and Brianza and Como areas.


How can I help you ?: info@lbre.it

Conosciamoci di persona

via E. De Amicis 6
20900 Monza
Numero di telefono: +39 039/9008564 +39 039/9008564
Fax: null
Indirizzo e-mail:
Stampa | Mappa del sito
LB REAL ESTATE - Partita IVA 09207040966 - Numero rea 1903402
Camera di Commercio di Monza e Brianza